Sunday, September 12, 2010

Month View

I was browsing Dory's calendar ( my bb) and funny thing I can jump into the future in just a few slides on my track pad.

I scrolled up to choose "View Month" and September revealed itself to me. 30 days - there in front of me. I actually felt nervous seeing how each day manifests itself, how fast those dates change.

I scrolled down and I can see  October, November, December... few clicks and I can go to 2012. Amazingly I can easily go back even to September 12, 1982 - I was just a few months old then, it was also a Sunday.

Whew! I'm overwhelmed, really. How I wanna say, "Please let the  the planet  earth turns slowly..." but of course, it's like asking pigs  lay chicken eggs. You know, there are days that I'm productive but also days that I procrastinate, days I shared a lot of love, days I wished never came, days I  feel most loved, days I just wanna stand still, days I cried a bucket of tears, days I produced lotsa laughing gas, days I'm so happy to be alive but sometimes days I felt I wanna die.

I can never comprehend the mystery of life... do we even have to bother? We just need to live each day as if it's our last, each day whether good or bad is a day borrowed, we should never forget to thank God.
La Dolce Vita!

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